
Charlotte经典台词?电影洛丽塔经典台词 1) 你可以嘲笑我,可以威胁逐出法庭,但我仍要高喊出我的真理,直到我窒息,将我掐得半死。 2) 你在斑驳的阳光下每移动一步,都似在我卑劣的身体内最隐秘、最敏感的弦上拨响一声。 3) 别哭了,我很抱歉,你一定要明白,我很抱歉骗你这么多,但生活就是如此。那么,Charlotte经典台词?一起来了解一下吧。


Mrs. Zuckerman: I mean it was clear as day. T-E-R-R-I-F-I-C, I mean can you believe a spider wrote that? I didn't learn how to spell that word until I was in the 10th grade!


[last lines]

Narrator: It is not often someone comes along that's a true friend and good writer. Charlotte was both.


Charlotte A. Cavatica: Oh, Wilbur... don't you know what you've already done? You made me your friend and in doing so, you made a spider beautiful to everyone in that barn...


Templeton: You're a pig! Pig equals slop. The rat is happy!

Wilbur: My name's Wilbur! Do you have a name or is it just 'The Rat'?

Templeton: Did you say 'just the rat'? For your information, pig: The rat rules! We were here long before your kind and we'll be here long after. So, you just keep that in mind next time you feel like reducing me to just 'the rat'.

Wilbur: You called yourself 'The Rat'.

Templeton: I can call me that. You can't.


Wilbur: So you eat flies?

Charlotte A. Cavatica: No... no, no. I drink their blood.

Ike: [faints]


Charlotte A. Cavatica: [climbs down to Ike's face]

Ike: Please, don't hurt me.

Charlotte A. Cavatica: Well, since you said please. Hehe.


Templeton: Look at her! Don't you think she's a little... uh... what's the word? EW!

Wilbur: I think she's beautiful.


Charlotte A. Cavatica: Wilbur... we're born, we live, and when our time comes, we die. It's just a natural cycle of life.

Wilbur: No! Just climb down! I'll carry you the rest of the way! We'll go back to the barn and I'll take care of you!

Charlotte A. Cavatica: No, Wilbur... I don't even have the strength to climb down.


Charlotte A. Cavatica: No, my webs were no miracle, Wilbur. I was only describing what I saw. The miracle is you.


Charlotte A. Cavatica: Goodbye... my sweet, sweet Wilbur.

Wilbur: Goodbye, Charlotte. I love you.


Homer Zuckerman: Well, what can I say about this pig that hasn't already been said? I know a lot of you folks have come out to the farm and you've seen the words, and a lot of you have asked me, 'how could this have happened?'. I don't know, but it has happened... at a time when we really don't see many miraculous things. Maybe we do. Maybe they're all right there around us everyday, we just don't know where to look. There's no denying that our own little Wilbur... he's part of something that's bigger than all of us. And life on that farm's just a whole lot better with him in it. He really is some pig.


[repeated line]

Templeton: The rat rules!


Homer Zuckerman: How could this have happened? A miracle, in a time when we don't see many miraculious things!


Wilbur: Since you said Salu-what, does this mean your my friend?

Charlotte A. Cavatica: Well, let me think... Hmmm... Well... Yes.

Wilbur: Ya-hooo!


Brooks: I am gonna get me some rat!


[repeated line]

Wilbur: Great name!


Charlotte A. Cavatica: You're very kind.

Templeton: Don't go spreading it around.


Wilbur: Templeton, Charlotte is very sick.

Templeton: Yeah, and twisted.


Mr. Arable: [Mr. Arable looks at pigs, finds a runt, a picks up ax]

Fern: What are you doing?

Mr. Arable: Nothing, now go back to bed.

Fern: You're not going to kill it, are you?

Mr. Arable: It's a runt.


Wilbur: [Wilber bangs his head into the fence and runs]

Golly the Goose: [Flies to the fence, lands on it and stops] Run pig! Be free! I would if I could.

Gussy the Goose: [Golly goes back inside the barn] Golly, did I hear you say you would be free if you could?

Golly the Goose: I meant if I were a pig.


Charlotte A. Cavatica: Templeton, haven't you ever heard that good things come to those who wait?

Templeton: No. Good things come to those who find it and shove it in their mouth!


Wilbur: [looking at Charlotte's new web, at the fair] But is is a good word, Charlotte? I mean, is it a TRUE word? I don't feel like I deserve all of the great words you've written about me...

Charlotte A. Cavatica: Then, Wilbur, it's a PERFECT word.

[Charlotte looks at the web, which says "HUMBLE"]














soap opera

soap opera


A drama, typically performed as a serial on daytime television or radio, characterized by stock characters and situations, sentimentality, and melodrama.


soap opera


肥皂剧(一种短小的连续广播剧或电视剧, 因肥皂商常利用这种节目做广告,故名)



以上就是Charlotte经典台词的全部内容,《豪门恩怨》中的三位女主角每人都说过一句经典的台词:艾里: “无论失去多少, 家庭必须保持完整”。苏.艾里:“如果你的婚姻破裂了, 你要么试着接受其他男人要么就愤世嫉俗”。帕玛拉: “如果失去了孩子,那么你就不可能快乐” 。
